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Joined Sep. 1, 2013 8:43pm

Mrs_HT's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 18, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 37 years old
Location: Pearland, United States

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My Journal

35 weeks good bye 8 hello 9
By Mrs_HT » Posted Jun. 16, 2014 9:23pm - 423 views - 6 comments

Total weight gain / measurements: 1 lb since last weigh in 22 lbs. in total

Maternity Clothing: Yep. I am mainly in sweats or pj's since being on bed rest.

Stretchmarks: existing ones becoming slightly more visible.

Sleep: is a task. I spend a lot of time tossing and turning trying to get comfortable, then more time using the bathroom.

Best wkly moment: Having low blood pressure!

Miss Anything: excercises. I am getting antsy on bed rest and find myself wanting to do my yoga!

Movement: ALL THE TIME...

Cravings: Craisins, fruit mainly.

Queasy/Sick: Nope

Gender: Boy

Labor Signs: pressure below and a few braxton hicks.

Symptoms: hip pain, round ligament, thirsty, high blood pressure, swelling, fatigue, frequent urination

Belly button in/out: the top is popped out but the bottom part is flat. Weird. Lol

Wedding Ring on/off: Still on and holding in there. Not much swelling since bed rest.

Mood: Kind of moody. I have been a little agitated with b r in in bed for now three weeks.

Look Forward to: Month 9!

This week at the doctors office, today, I ended up having better blood pressure. Also long as I am resting is in the normal range. There was no protein in my urine this week so great news. During today's ultrasound, little man was moving around a lot. His breathing and heart we great. He scored an 8/8 on his scoring but.... my fluid dropped again this week. So we went from 5 to 8 and now to 6. I have been drinking tons of water so we don't know what's going on. I'm still on weekly doctor and hospital visits until he gets here. My OB stated we are now just awaiting delivery and if I have any symptoms to call in. Almost time!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from jennavee » Posted Jun. 17, 2014 12:56pm
The last weeks before I gave birth my To-Do list was so long! It sucks because it's the hardest time to do ANYTHING and I wasn't even on bedrest! Try to get some rest and relaxation mama!

Comment from Mrs_HT » Posted Jun. 17, 2014 10:50am
Thank you. It has been crazy. Testing every week and they still haven't a clue as to why it keeps dropping. The nurse told me to talk to baby. Lol I am so ready to have him in my arms so I am staying hydrated and off my feet. Sad part is I still have to pack my hospital bag and finish getting the house ready. I didn't even get a chance to cook any meals!

Comment from Bammom » Posted Jun. 17, 2014 10:43am
I agree! The last few weeks return the symptom spotting but this time it's signs of labor. Is this early labor? Is this one of the good contractions that is changing the cervix or just a Braxton hicks? Have I progressed at all?

I will be praying for your little guy and that the fluid levels come up and stay up. I wish they could figure out why it's low! Not having answers is the worst. Congrats on your good blood pressure and protein free urine this week though!!! Almost there!

Comment from emmapeal9 » Posted Jun. 16, 2014 9:56pm
I would be moody too if I were on bed rest. You're doing great! Hang in there!

Comment from Mrs_HT » Posted Jun. 16, 2014 9:50pm
You're scheduled to go on my due date and we aren't sure I'll make it until then. These last few weeks feel like the first when you were waiting to have your heartbeat check up. Exciting and you can not wait for it to get here. Lol

Comment from mrsamanda » Posted Jun. 16, 2014 9:45pm
Getting close! Not much longer for either of us!!

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