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maggie22's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 9, 2018
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago

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Morning sickness
By maggie22 » Posted Mar. 17, 2018 4:13pm - 750 views - 24 comments

Morning sickness has started and I am really not sure I can do this again... I get it so bad bad it last for so long. Been vomiting a few times a day and my throat is already raw . Feeling very sorry for myself.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from BarbaraGarman » Posted Mar. 25, 2018 7:50pm
Hello lady.Sorry to read about you.But we all knew with easily we didn't conceive anything right.Every woman is different and has different symptoms.In my condition, I was not expecting the morning sickness and vomiting.I was free from all this, but in the 3rd trimester, I had them too much bad feeling.I was facing severe kind of sickness and vomiting.I knew a bad time, too bad to face this awful situation.But thankfully, with the passage of time, I am feeling better and my sickness and vomiting are going to be less.I hope that you also have the better feeling in future.Take care of yourself.Have a happy and healthy pregnancy.Good wishes.Baby dust in your ways.I hope that everything was quite better and normal sooner.

Comment from Blessed75 » Posted Mar. 25, 2018 3:36am
It is such a great news, Maggi. I am really happy for this. It must be your dream come true. Women often dream of this day. Holding a rainbow is such a great thing. I know it cannot be shaped into words. It is excitement and thankfulness both coming together. It is a kind of different thing that cannot be described in words. Right now you are having certain problems with your early days of pregnancy. It is not something unusual. Almost every pregnant woman faces the challenges. It makes her feel low and tired. Morning sickness is one of the symptoms that come with the early trimester. If it is too difficult to overcome you can see your doctor. She would surely suggest some light medication. Eating a light cracker can be good for the morning sickness. Don't take too much of water before falling asleep. I hope that you will have some happier days ahead.

Comment from BrendaJohnson » Posted Mar. 23, 2018 11:31pm
This is such a good news that you are conceiving. This journey is like a roller coaster. Ups and downs are part of it. Morning sickness is part of this journey. It gets hard though. But you juat try to remember that after all this you will have your baby. You know what, once you get to hold your baby, you forget everything. All this struggle is really worth it. I can still remeber all my feelings and emotions of that time. Holding your baby in your arms is a blessing. You will surely forget all this. I wish you and your baby health and success. I hope you will have a healthy and nice baby. Stay calm and relaxed.
Lots of love to you.

Comment from maggie22 » Posted Mar. 21, 2018 4:42pm
Thank you both for your caring and thoughtful comments. Unfortunately this is my fourth pregnancy and I won’t be getting any better until I am about five months... I have had terrible prolonged nausea and vomiting with all of my pregnancies. It’s not just a little bit of morning sickness it’s life debilitating. :(

Comment from EmilyRossum » Posted Mar. 21, 2018 12:41pm
Hey there. It's okay. You'll obviously feel sick for a whie. It's a whole new world for you. But it's going to be fine after sometime. Trust me you'll get used to it. And most importantly, think about that adorable baby that resides inside you. You gotta bear something for him/her right? Try to keep yourself happy. Good luck.

Comment from sally28 » Posted Mar. 21, 2018 4:47am
Hey! I hope you are fine. Please don't worry about this. It's going to be okay. Pregnancy comes with these effects. You'll have to be patient and tolerate all this. You can visit the doctor if your condition worsens. But I hope it'll be fine in a few days.

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