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Category: Baby Names

Asked by mummyandbabys

Q: Looking for boys names that go with Declan

I hve a son already called declan looking or other names that go with this please?

This question was asked Feb. 17, 2016 4:14pm
Category: Baby Names

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Answered by PaperHeart - Feb. 19, 2016 4:31am
I like Beckett, Finn, and Lachlan with Declan.

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Answered by MrsRobb - May. 24, 2016 5:44pm
My sons name is Lochlan and Declan was on our list! I like both names but not sure if I like them together as siblings...they are very similar.
Other celtic names that people didn't list that I think would go with Declan are Kieran and Rory. Whatever you choose will be great!

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Answered by babygear5 - Sep. 4, 2017 1:39pm
First of all, I want to congratulation for healthy baby gift. It is dream of every woman to become complete mother in their life. You are at this remarkable moment of your life. You should manage properly to handle this situation with stress and depression. It is not easy job to select appropriate baby name. I am also faced this problem in my life. You can handle this critical problem in life with smart ideas only. You need not panic about different kind of name and their celebrity. You just focus on object name and its gender about characteristic personality development in future.
You can consult with your husband, relative friend and family member to choose appropriate baby name according to gender specific. These are some powerful and effective tips and tricks that you should keep in mind while choosing suitable baby name. You can prepare a list of baby name that you want to prefer for your baby. You first important thing is your baby name must be unique and meaningful.

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Answered by Mommybutterfly - Feb. 17, 2016 5:37pm
Are you looking into Irish names? There's Liam or Connor. There's also a lot of phone apps that have names based on region and everything.

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Answered by AnnaWilliam - Jan. 25, 2018 12:28pm
1st of all I congratulate on you for the birth of your baby. It was every mother wishes to give a birth to a beautiful baby boy or girl. God Gifted you with a baby boy. I and my Husband Wishes you all the best. In the question, you are asking about the name of your baby. Few names similar to Declan are Thomas, Aiden, Daniel. Daniel is a good name it means God is my Judge. If you are looking for Some Arabic names than Declan similar names are Danish and Danial. In Irish the Daniel name means Attractive. Hope you will like these names.

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