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Category: Postpartum

Asked by MalPal85

Q: PPD versus hormones readjusting

I feel really embarrassed asking this but I'm in bed crying right now for no reason. I'll be 3 weeks PP tomorrow. How do you know whether you're dealing with PPD or your hormones are still readjusting. Is that why they schedule the 6 week PP appointment so if you're still feeling down they can decide if it is PPD? I have this beautiful, healthy baby boy so why the hell am I feeling down? I had a great first day alone with him today then evening strikes and, BOOM, I'm a hot freaking mess. I don't know if it's anxiety in knowing I'll be up throughout the night or what but it's ridiculous. I knew this wasn't going to be easy so what the hell is my problem?! I love my baby boy so much and can't stop staring at him but these moments of feeling down are starting to get to me.

This question was asked Jan. 6, 2016 2:54am
Category: Postpartum

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Answered by PaperHeart - Jan. 7, 2016 7:21pm
I had the blues after my son was born, but a more intense PPD after my daughter was born. With him, I definitely experienced that same timeline of feeling okay during the day, then crashing emotionally as the evening approach. With my dd, it seemed to be all day long, but would come in waves of intensity and when they hit, it was debilitating. Talking to my Dh definiteky helped and, thankfully, his job means he's off of the evenings, so he knew to step up and be aware of my emotions as sunset approached. Having experienced that, I spoke with my ob about it before even leaving the hospital after my dd was born. She called in a Zoloft Rx for me that day and I'm really glad I had it. I was fiercely clingy for several weeks and would sob uncontrollably when Dh had to go to work. I learned that it helped me to get out of the house and be around others while he was out. I was off the Zoloft by the time she was about 6 mos old and was feeling myself again. It seems irrational, but it's real.

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Answered by MalPal85 - Jan. 7, 2016 1:11am
Tha know ladies for all of your thoughts and recommendations. I am going to call my doctor tomorrow just to make myself feel better. I had a nice long talk with the hubs tonight and I feel a little better just admitting g it to him. Mnor, sounds like I'm in the same exact boat as you were but I still am going to call tomorrow even though I'm right at the 3 week mark. Pbc, I am so OCD and such a clean freak that I get picked on so I understand the no dishes in the sink and clean house dilema. I wish I could let it go but I cant. People told me I would have to let my house go a little and I'm trying lol. Thanks again girls. Once again, this website is amazing.

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Answered by pbc910 - Jan. 7, 2016 12:38am
Gotta agree 1 billion percent with mnor0406 - get a shower or have a bit of time to yourself. Something I like to do is find something each day to do that I would normally do. Sounds weird but something as simple as vacuuming the floor or organizing my closet help. I am not the type of person that likes sitting around! When babies are sleeping and I am awake (I don't always sleep when they do because I'm not always tired or can sleep) I find doing a little something "normal" has helped me feel better. I know people say it's ok for the sink to be full of dishes but I can't stand that. I'm a control freak and neat freak so having a straight house seriously makes me feel so much better. I also take my nightly shower for alone time where I can focus just on me and not think about babies for a while. It's only 30 minutes or so but it's something I've always done since I've been with DH.

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Answered by mnor0406 - Jan. 7, 2016 12:33am
I had some baby blues for a couple weeks. I would randomly start crying just looking at my daughter, seeing baby commercials or would cry right along with her at night. Weeks 3-7 ish were a little rough. I think it was a combo of exhaustion, hormones dropping, self doubt about being able to keep a tiny human alive and the end of help and being completely on my own as visitors finally stopped and hubby went back to work. I found that I felt a lot better if I let my hubby watch her in the morning before he left for work so I could shower, do my hair, put on a little foundation or mascara and eat some breakfast. It really set my day up for success, helped me feel human and the hot shower gave me some relaxing me time. It's important to get some time for yourself. If you are still feeling sad in a couple weeks or it starts affecting your ability to take care of the baby then talk to your doctor asap.

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Answered by natmomof1 - Jan. 6, 2016 11:21pm
I had very serious PPD with my son. It lasted over a year and really reduced the joy and quality time that I had with my son. If I could do it all again I would have sought help immediately. I am very sorry that you are struggling, but it does not have to be this way. There is help out there for you. My advice is for you to talk with your GP. This is an amazing time in your life. it is also exhausting and very difficult. your feelings are not abnormal. Definitely talk to someone before this gets out of hand. It sounds like you are really having a hard time. I wish you every success and joy and am here to talk if you need someone xx

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Answered by pbc910 - Jan. 6, 2016 8:42pm
I can't speak to PPD but I think ch3rrypie11 said it best about the overwhelming responsibility and exhaustion. People aren't kidding when they say having a baby really changes your life. That's what brings me down a little thinking about how responsible I am for these 2 lives and thinking about the things I miss. It's been over a month since DH and I slept in the same bed. It's those little things that really get me down. It's definitely something to mention to your OB just to get their take. I just started medication for my anxiety so I could get it under control so I am in the best possible shape emotionally and mentally. And I cry all the time. I think a lot of it is normal. Nothing is worse than when all you want to do is sleep but your babies won't let you because they don't want to sleep! THe exhaustion really does a number on you!

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Answered by lala_0412 - Jan. 6, 2016 4:08pm
It's okay to be emotional.. You have to remember for 9 months you were emotional as well so it's not going to just go right away. We all hope so. As far as nights, I know we all want sleep but with my youngest I found a way to appreciate being up in the middle of the night with him. I found shows I liked to watch and thought of it as our time. Plus I knew in the morning, everyone would go to school or work and he would eventually nap and so could I.

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Answered by ch3rrypie11 - Jan. 6, 2016 1:12pm
Don't ever feel guilty or that it's your fault for feeling the way you do. I think millions of moms pp feel this. Definitely mention it to your Dr when you go. Sometimes medicine will help while your hormones adjust back to normal. I know after my daughter was born I was a mess. I would stand in the shower and just sob but I knew I loved being her mom and loved her more then anything. I think a lot of it did have to do with just the overwhelming feeling of responsibility, exhaustion and just hormones out of whack. Don't beat yourself over this.

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Answered by Cattsmeow - Jan. 6, 2016 12:18pm
I have PPD. It's nothing to be embarassed about.

Baby blues usually peak about 3 weeks pp. PPD lasts longer and can sometimes takes awhile to present itself. The best thing to do would be to call your doctor and let them know that this is worrying you. They may be able to work you in sooner so you can talk to them about it.

If you ever need and want someone to talk to, please feel free to message me and I would be happy to listen.

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Answered by Mommybutterfly - Jan. 6, 2016 4:02am
Did they not give you a checklist on the symptoms of PPD? If anything just try to see your primary tell them you've been more depressed than usual and they will better examine you.

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