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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by ktink5000

Q: Coping and recovery after ectopic pregnancy..

i found out that i was pregnant early september and then on 9-25-14 i went to the emergancy room due to bleeding. found out that my pregnancy was ectopic. i was 6 weeks and 3 days, emergency surgery and losy my left tube. i cry everyday with out fail and at this point i feel like all hope is lost. with a 20% chance of this happening again im scared to even think about trying when I'm able to. long story short how long does the bleeding last after surgery and how did you deal and cope with the situation because i dont know if ill ever snap out of it.... fyi this was my first pregnancy..

This question was asked Oct. 6, 2014 1:11am
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by Nunchuk - Oct. 7, 2014 4:25am
Haven't had ectopic, so your situation varies a bit from mine. I had a missed miscarriage and the loss hurts for a very long time. There's not many words anyone can offer you to make you feel better, I really wish there was. I'm sorry you lost your little one. The pain never completely goes away, but it gets easier eventually to get through it. But right now, focus on the now. Take it all one day at a time, talk to someone if it helps you, have as much alone time as you want if that helps you... do what makes you feel better and take it easy. The community here is always here should you need the comfort :) sending you healing thoughts and hope you feel better in time

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Answered by cosmoholic - Oct. 6, 2014 7:36pm
I'm so sorry for your loss.

I haven't had an ectopic but have suffered three consecutive losses (two requiring d&c surgery). When I went through my losses, I found that it helped a lot to talk to other women who had gone through the same thing. I felt less alone. I frequented the Grief & Loss board on the What to Expect When You're Expecting Community, but I think a lot of other sites have a similar community. I also reached out to a therapist though my work's employee assistance program (just in case you have something similar at you or your partner's work).

Also what I tried to focus on was the flip side of the scary statistics... if there's a 20% chance that it will happen again, that means that there is an 80% chance that it WON'T. 80% sounds like pretty good odds.

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Answered by stickybean1976 - Oct. 6, 2014 4:53am
I know mine situation was different but my friend also had eptopic then 2mths later got preg with her daughter who's now 8 with one tube also. X

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Answered by Papas~Mama - Oct. 6, 2014 4:39am
A young friend of mine lost one of her ovaries due to a rupture many many years ago. She had two children, both within a few years of each other afterwards; it didn't seem to affect her fertility the way you think it would have. Just wanted to let you know I've got a friend with one ovary who has kids, and you can too:)

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Answered by stickybean1976 - Oct. 6, 2014 3:13am
sweetie, I'm sorry for you and there's probably not much I can say to make you feel better, but I can give you hope. I've had 4 m/c's and 3 d&c surgeries and 2 chemicals in 12mths, it's been the year from hell for me. I promised my daughter who's 7 I would never give up trying until I was too old. I'm 38 and over 11 weeks preg and all is perfect. Have had weekly scans. M/C is so common, ectopic not as common but please have faith and don't give up, you can get pregnant and that in itself is a challenge you have succeeded in achieving. Stay strong and we are all here for you if you need to chat. x hugs.
I commented on your page the same x

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