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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by crazymama81

Q: Going through a miscarriage

Hello, today I was told my baby had no heartbeat I was 7 weeks 1 day. I knew something was wrong from the beginning. I was also diagnosed with a subchorionic hemorrhage earlier this week which apparently was causing all the spotting I was having. My question is how long will the miscarriage take to complete? Also generally how long does it take for a regular cycle to start again?

This is so crappy to go through and I just want it to be over. I'm bleeding pretty heavily and passing a lot of clots. I go to the doctor on Monday and I'm really not sure what to expect when I go to that appointment.

I can't help but feeling like a failure. I know I couldn't have done anything to prevent this, but that doesn't change the way I feel. Part of me feels somewhat relieved that at least I found out now and not when I'm farther along. I just want everything to feel normal again I hate feeling this way. If anyone has been through this and can help me id appreciate it.

This question was asked Jun. 17, 2012 8:00am
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by babygear5 - Sep. 4, 2017 3:11pm
I am feeling so sorry for your miscarriage problem. I can understand your physical and mental stage at this time. It is very important to handle this critical situation with positive attitude. You need not panic about this critical situation. It is time to start preparation for your next pregnancy in professional way. The God decide to give one opportunity more for complete your dream into reality. You should not miss this opportunity. You should prepare well for next pregnancy to enjoy healthy baby gift. You are not alone. There are 20% women all over the world who faced miscarriage problem in their life. This is very horrible situation not easy to handle. I got full help from my husband side to handle this horrible situation in my life with professional way. We consult with a popular gynecologist of Ukraine to understand my problem in effective way. These are easy to use effective tips and tricks that you can follow to handle this critical situation in easy and effective way.

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Answered by crazymama81 - Jul. 14, 2012 5:28pm

I posted this question almost a month ago and I wanted to say thank you to everyone who responded. I really appreciate all of your kind words it really helped me out a lot.

My body ended up treating the m/c like a regular cycle and I got my period yesterday so it seems like everything is back to normal. I got my blood drawn on Thursday and my hcg level is back to zero which I assumed it would be since two weeks ago it was at 14.

Now I'm just praying, hoping and keeping my fingers crossed that this cycle we'll conceive and that this time it will be a sticky bean.

Thanks again to everyone who helped me through this I appreciate it more than you know!

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Answered by a member - Jul. 13, 2012 1:31pm
Quick answer: I bled for 6 weeks, got pregnant again 2 months after the bleeding stopped and after two periods.

Long answer: We got pregnant Feb 14, had low hcgs in March 2012, and late March there was no growth showing up on the ultrasound. Starting bleeding mid-march and really didn't stop bleeding until April at 10weeks. It came and went, though most days I had some sort of blood. Finally in April I passed tissue over 4 hours. It wasn't painful, but very very heavy and chunky. We had been offered pills and a D&C, both of which I turned down and wanted to let things progress naturally. I didn't know it would take so long! Finally had what I think was a normal period the beginning of May. But the bleeding for a month and a half was a lot to deal with.

Though we got pregnant again in June! I didn't know how long it would take to turn around again, but this one feels much different! :)

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Answered by babyspraker - Jun. 18, 2012 4:51pm
I just had a miscarriage last weekend at 7 weeks. I believe I passed the fetus that night and I bled for 5 days (just a couple of days longer than a normal period. Everything was very similair to a normal period except the cramps were more intense and the blood was much more clotty than normal. Good luck and hang in there. I cried all week and its still hard to think that its all over. But we'll just try again.

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Answered by jenniferose88 - Jun. 17, 2012 5:19pm
cont.. cycle in November, then had a normal period in December, and concieved when I ovulated that cycle. Found out I was pregnant at 3 weeks 2 days on January 12th. I was scared to death the whole beginning of this pregnancy. I freaked out about every little thing up until I stated feeling her move. I'm now 26 weeks and she's a happy healthy baby. I'm so sorry you're having to go through this, but my doctor always told me that it was God's way of helping me because something wasn't right with that baby. Give yourself as long as you need to heal then try again, it'll happen. Good luck.

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Answered by jenniferose88 - Jun. 17, 2012 5:15pm
I had a m/c in October 2011, I was 9 weeks. I'm like you, I had a feeling something was wrong from the beginning. I found out I was pregnant a week before my husband and I got married, I was only 5 weeks and we were driving to florida from indiana for our honeymoon so my doctor decided to do an u/s to ease my mind and there was a heartbeat but the heartrate was only 98, so at that moment I had a bad feeling. We made it through 3 weeks when I went to see my doctor for my next regular OB appt, I was 9 weeks and she went to check the heart rate and it wasn't there anymore. She did an u/s and the baby had quit growing at 8 weeks. My dr gave me the option to miscarry on my own, or have a d&c. I didn't want to sit and torture myself waiting for the bleeding to start because the baby had died a week earlier and I never showed any signs of it. So I had the d&c the following Monday and I bled for about 2 weeks. She told me to wait one cycle then I could ttc again. I went through a short

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Answered by dmartin65 - Jun. 17, 2012 3:57pm
Oh sweetie, my heart is with you. I am Christie143's friend. I had a m/c in March at 13 weeks. I bled for a week. Got AF on April 26th, and my BFP around May 21st. I am now 7 weeks 5 days. They are correct when they say every woman is different. Some get AF as normal and some it takes months. Just let your body and mind heal and your body will know when it's ready to conceive again. Hugs to you.

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Answered by Christie143 - Jun. 17, 2012 2:29pm
I bled for about a week which is like my normal af length. The following month I decided to continue ttc and chart... my chart was all over the place and I dont believe that I even O'd that cycle.... I ended up getting my next af in dec (miscarriage started Oct 26th)... My friend on here miscarried and got her bfp the very next month thou so everyone is different. Your doc should clear you to continue ttc once you feel ready emotionally if everything else is fine at your appt. Im sooooo sorry for your loss, I wish I could do something for you :( lots of prayers and hugs for you!!!

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Answered by a member - Jun. 17, 2012 10:26am
I'm sorry for your loss. I miscarried at 5wks and bled for 5days. It was like a really heavy period. My period didn't come back for almost two months but everyone is different. I've heard of women who got theirs the next month right on time so it is hard to say.

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Answered by Sybella - Jun. 17, 2012 9:56am
Oh hunny ((hugs)) Im so sorry.
If you're already bleeding it should only take a few days. Your doctor should give you a rundown of what to expect and what to do if you get a fever etc.
Everyones body reacts differently and no two miscarriages are the same.
I hope you recover quickly xx

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