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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by Brittany0915

Q: TERRIFIED! dr called and needs to see me after having bloodwork

i was having some slight pink spotting over the weekend,,it was after sex and it was only once so i didnt think much about it... i called the dr this morning to tell her and she sent me over for 1 round of blood work to check Hcg levels ... well she called me a little while ago and said she got the results and needs to see me tomorrow. im so scared! they say if your levels are dropping that there may be a problem..but i only had the one round.. ? anyone have any idea what this could mean ? please please help!

This question was asked May. 28, 2012 6:25pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by Brittany0915 - May. 30, 2012 6:24pm
well i have RH negative blood type, and my husband has positive (which i totally knew already because i went through this with 3 other pregnancies) if there is any spotting or bleeding i have to get a shot to prevent my body from building antibodies against the baby

i completely forgot about the shot so thats why my doctor wanted to see me asap after the bloodwork. so nothing major :) she said my hcg levels are quite high so shes confident the pregnancy is progressing, but im going to have an ultrasound done just to make sure. it was alot of worry for nothing .

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Answered by stickynikki - May. 29, 2012 8:38pm
how did everything turn out? my friend just got a similar call

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Answered by Layne-Shane - May. 29, 2012 12:41am
they may have checked progesterone(sometimes spotting is a inclination of low progesterone) maybe just put u on a supplement :) which is no harm to u or baby :)

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Answered by Brittany0915 - May. 29, 2012 12:05am
thanks so much! you have been helpful! Ill post an update tomorrow :)

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Answered by knicole27 - May. 28, 2012 11:35pm
oh ok.. its probably an abnormality then from your other counts aka could be iron levels or other things like low or high vitamin levels... my doctor always wanted me to come in when I had too high or too low of my blood vitamin counts too. I am sure that baby is fine though!! and even if your vitamin levels are off that can be fixed too most the time. :) Good luck and keep us posted!

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Answered by Brittany0915 - May. 28, 2012 11:18pm
it was 2 viles i think, i tried to read the sticker they put on them and i think 1 said hgc check and the other said prenatal ..any idea what other things they check for besides levels ? im only 7 weeks so i didnt have any testing for genetic disorders or anything like that... and if she wanted more blood work done i figured she would just fax the paper to the hospital like she did this morning.

im just so confused. thanks for the info about the spotting, im alot less worried about that now. my mom suggested hgc levels too high? like maybe twins ? i have no idea. it could be something silly like low iron. whatever is it she needs to see me... ahhh no sleep tonight !

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Answered by knicole27 - May. 28, 2012 10:31pm
I def would not worry much about the spotting after bding. I ALWAYS in early pregnancy had pink spotting after BDing. Don't freak out either if you get some brown spotting here in the next few days.. its just old blood from the irritation. Its was that way for me up until about 12 weeks. I would ALWAYS spot pink directly afterward.. then a few days later i would have a brown discharge for a few days. As far as the blood work goes. Your doctor would not know if your Hcg was doubling or not until taking another blood test a few days later. That maybe why she wants to see you? perhaps it was maybe a lil low and she just wants to check its doubling like it should? Even if its low Its not a concern unless its not doubling about every 48 hrs. Did you ONLY get blood work for hcg and thats it? was it only one vile???

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Answered by Brittany0915 - May. 28, 2012 10:01pm
it was only light pink and it was after we bd. my doctor is always very booked up and busy, its hard to get an appointment so i dont know why she would have me come in rather then telling me over the phone what was going on. also with only that little bit of spotting.. how could she tell if my hgc levels were dropping with only 1 round of bloodwork ? im really confused. im wondering what kind of other things they look for when doing that type of bloodwork. the order only said Hcg check... maybe my levels are higher then normal ?? so confused. will find out tomorrow. im confident its not a miscarrige, i had one of those and it was completely awful. this was very different.

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Answered by babbosbabymama - May. 28, 2012 9:19pm
Try not to worry bc that doesn't help. When i had my mc's the doctors told me over the phone that my levels were dropping and that it was infact a mc. They didnt wana see me for a few days to a week to check to make sure they were dropping to normal. but this is the reason they wanted me to come back. im surprised ur dr didnt tell you why they want to see you...

ALSO Keep in mind that during pregnancy your body is going through a load of changes and that your cervix can be easily irritated (sex being something that can irritate your cervix).

If the blood was any more than spotting, gets worse and is accompanied by cramping and bright red blood then i would worry.Pink is ok though and so is brown... every time i miscarried i was in pain and was bleeding bright red similar to a period. if you are worried, just call them and ask why they wana c u.

I hope everything is ok. I'm sure you're fine. good luck!

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Answered by Brittany0915 - May. 28, 2012 8:43pm
ok thanks im starting to calm down a little bit. ill find out soon! :)

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